Monday, October 24, 2011

FAIRY THIEF, Book 2 in The Fairy Circle Series is now available!!!

You can now buy FAIRY THIEF, in eBook format at and - put my name in the search bar.
Links will be coming soon, and better yet, FAIRY THIEF - the paperback - will be coming soon as well! I'll keep you updated. :D
I'd like to say a heartfelt thank you to my good friend, Shalini Boland -author of HIDDEN and OUTSIDE - for her unwavering support, friendship, brilliance, and unending patience for my flabbergasting dimwittedness. I love you Shalini!!!


  1. I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS COMING THIS SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm going to BUY IT NOW!! I'm SO EXCITED Johanna!!!!!!!! WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
